Bondi Junction, NSW
Bondi, New South Wales, Australia
Spectacular Short Term Disability Accommodation, Bondi STA
Living Type
On enquiry
Spectacular Short Term Disability Accommodation, Bondi 2022
Accessible Accommodation in Sydney, Bondi Junction Eden Housing offers Spectacular Shared Supported Accommodation (SIL), Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) and Short Term Accommodation (STA) in Bondi NSW.
Eden Abilitys Bondi shared supported accommodation including one bedroom and two bedroom units for Medium-term(MTA), Short-term(STA) and extended stays (SIL) has just opened, newly refurbished with plenty of outdoor and indoor places to choose from this is the perfect place to enjoy your stay your way. Choose from loads of super cool programs and our Skills for Life modules to make your stay a fun, exciting and educational experience.
10 separate self-contained 1 bedroom and 2 bedrooms. Each has an en-suite, kitchenette, TV, built-in robe, furniture and furnishings.
Accessible Accommodation in Sydney- Eden House Disabled Access Units:
Eden Abilitys supported shared accommodation service is available for an overnight stay, short stays or extended stays.
This lovely accommodation includes a garden and covered outdoor and BBQ area plus swimming pool and gym.
÷ Shared accommodation
÷ Lift access
÷ 10 private suites
÷ Large shared living, gaming and barbecuing areas
÷ 10 bathrooms
÷ 24/7 staff
÷ Garden
÷ Transport 2 minute walk to public train station
÷ 3-minute walk to grocery store, chemist , Australia post and medical centre
This is a fun house to live in. The housemates and staff are friendly and active,
Distance to the nearest hospital: 5km
Activities In and Around Accessible Accommodation in Sydney- Eden House:
÷ Indoor Activities:
÷ Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner every day served in room.
÷ Morning and Afternoon teas served in room.
÷ Morning Exercise in the gym
÷ Watching TV or playing games with housemates in the living room.
÷ Playing Chess or variety of board games, puzzles in the living room.
÷ Barbecuing, Swimming
÷ Outdoor Activities:
÷ Hydrotherapy, or aquatic physiotherapy,
÷ Amusement centre
÷ Adventure park
÷ Nature Reserve
÷ Casual dining and restaurants
÷ Golf resorts, Aqua Golf
÷ Bowling
÷ Fishing
Good to know:
÷ Disability Day programs 5 Km
÷ GP 2km
÷ Health Centre 3 Km
÷ Community Civic Activities 5 Km
Please note, to protect the privacy of our partners, the location shown is not accurate and should be used as a rough guide. The exact location will be revealed during the enquiry process.
Bondi, New South Wales, Australia
NDIS Reasonable Contribution
Support Provided
24 Hour